Myers-Briggs and Temperament Groups: What are Guardians, Artisans, Idealists, and Rationals?

Andrea Lawrence
10 min readJul 29, 2022
Created using Canva.

Finding Your Group

Myers-Briggs types people into one of 16 personalities. Each of the 16 personalities belongs to one of four families: the guardians (SJ), artisans (SP), idealists (NF), or rationals (NT).

The test is based off four spectrums:

  • Introversion to extroversion
  • Intuition to sensing
  • Feeling to thinking
  • Judging to perceiving

Based on a 100-point scale, people’s preferences will lean one way or the other. If their preferences fall to the middle, other factors can be considered to determine where someone feels more comfortable identifying their personality.

Breaking down how these four spectrums work will help you to understand the four families, which are also sometimes called groups or temperaments.

Introversion and Extroversion

Introversion to extroversion has to do with how you get energized. Introverts charge their batteries by spending time alone at home and focusing on ideas. Extroverts feel more energized when they socialize, and spending time alone can feel draining.



Andrea Lawrence

Poet, creative writer, loves a bit of satire, food and wine journalist, relationship writer, interior design maven, Midwestern background.