Artificial Intelligence and Ruling Kingdoms

I Asked ChatGPT Leadership Questions from a Classic Super Nintendo Game

The AI bot has a penchant for justice… and would kill traitors

Andrea Lawrence
14 min readAug 14, 2023
Himalayan salt lamp near a computer. | Andrea Davis

I decided to ask ChatGPT questions from the niche video game Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen. It was published in 1993 for the Super Nintendo. The questions are asked at the beginning of the game to determine the characteristics of your main avatar, the initial units you’re given, your reputation, and your alignment (whether you’re more lawful, neutral, or chaotic).

Answers that rely more on faith and religion will give you a more lawful alignment in the game. Answers that are more selfish or demented will give you a more chaotic alignment.

Here are some of the things I found interesting in our conversation:

  • The AI bot had a preference for options that included the word “justice”
  • It determined the word “compassion” as a type of bias that could actually be a weakness in leadership (I don’t agree with this interpretation)
  • The answer to what to do with a traitor was really odd. It picked the option to kill the traitor.
  • I also thought it was odd that it would focus so much on battles. Instead of thinking of family the night before a battle, you know because you might die, the bot said it would be thinking about the impending battle. It would also wish for victory rather than luck or bravery. This is odd because it seems to think winning or victory is of utmost importance, but it doesn’t necessarily understand the costs involved in fighting a battle. Winning things at any cost isn’t a good thing at all.

Overall, this was one of the better chats I’ve had with ChatGPT. It was interesting to see how it would try to determine what’s best.

The big question is, would the AI bot make a strong leader? My theory is that in the future the next evolution to democracy is going to involve AI and robots. Political paralysis can’t last forever, so just like many jobs that are in question, I think leadership positions will soon be redefined.

Questions from a Video Game

Andrea: I’d like to play a game with you. I have a series of questions I would like to ask from a popular video game.

ChatGPT: Of course! I’d be happy to play a game with you. Go ahead and ask your series of questions from a popular video game, and I’ll do my best to answer them. Let the game begin!

Andrea: Okay, let’s get started then. You have been commanded by your king to create a magic potion. What kind of potion do you create? Here are the options:

  1. Poison
  2. A wealth potion
  3. An immortality potion

ChatGPT: In this scenario, I would choose to create option 2, a wealth potion. Creating a potion that brings wealth could potentially benefit both the kingdom and its people, fostering prosperity and improving the overall quality of life. However, it’s important to consider the potential ethical and societal implications of such a potion, as an overabundance of wealth could also lead to imbalance and issues within the kingdom.

Andrea: Alright, moving on to the next question… what above all other things do you think is the greatest crime against your fellow man?

  1. To deceive someone
  2. To sacrifice someone
  3. To steal from someone

ChatGPT: I believe that option 2, to sacrifice someone, is the greatest crime against one’s fellow man. Taking someone’s life against their will is a grave violation of their fundamental rights and the value of human life. While deception and theft are also harmful, they generally don’t involve such an extreme breach of morality and ethical principles as sacrificing another person’s life.

Andrea: As a king wishing to rule the world, what personality trait do you feel you most lack?

  1. Expansionism
  2. Efficiency
  3. Putting things into action

ChatGPT: In this scenario, I would say that I most lack option 3, putting things into action. While having grand visions and plans for ruling the world is important, the ability to effectively execute those plans and turn them into reality is crucial for successful leadership. Without the skill to put plans into action, even the most ambitious goals may remain unrealized.

Andrea: What do you think is the most important ability trait which must be found in a successful king?

  1. Action
  2. Leadership
  3. Conquest

ChatGPT: For a successful king, I believe that option 2, leadership, is the most important ability trait. Leadership encompasses the ability to inspire, guide, and unite people toward a common goal. A strong leader can make wise decisions, communicate effectively, and prioritize the well-being of their subjects. While action and conquest can be components of effective leadership, the ability to lead with integrity, empathy, and a strategic vision is what ultimately ensures a king’s success in governing a realm.

Andrea: It is difficult to rule those with ideas different from your own. What do you look for most in a leader?

  1. Compassion
  2. Self respect
  3. A sense of justice

ChatGPT: In a leader, I value option 3, a sense of justice, the most. A leader who possesses a strong sense of justice is more likely to make fair and impartial decisions, regardless of their personal beliefs or the differing ideas of their subjects. This trait helps in maintaining social harmony and earning the respect and trust of a diverse population. While compassion and self-respect are also important, a sense of justice ensures that a leader’s decisions are guided by principles that benefit the greater good rather than personal biases or interests.

Andrea: It’s almost impossible to find a perfect mate. Which of the following do you most look for in a partner?

ChatGPT: It seems like the options for what I’m looking for in a partner are missing. Could you please provide the list of options you have in mind?


  1. Tenderness
  2. Purity
  3. Physical beauty

ChatGPT: While the options you’ve provided are limited, I would choose option 1, tenderness. A partner who is kind, understanding, and emotionally supportive can contribute significantly to a healthy and fulfilling relationship. While physical beauty and purity can have their own merits, a deep emotional connection built on tenderness often forms a strong foundation for a successful and lasting partnership.

Andrea: What do you think is the best way to pull people together and rule people with different hopes and ideas?

  1. Military force
  2. Religion
  3. Leadership and charisma

ChatGPT: The best approach to pull people together and rule those with different hopes and ideas is option 3, leadership and charisma. Military force and religion can be divisive and coercive methods, potentially leading to resentment and unrest among diverse populations. Leadership and charisma, on the other hand, involve inspiring people through a shared vision, effective communication, and the ability to understand and address their concerns. A strong leader who can navigate differences with empathy and respect is more likely to create a harmonious and productive society.

Andrea: What do you think is the most important thing to remember when walking the path of the warrior?

  1. Justice
  2. Glory
  3. Faith

ChatGPT: The most important thing to remember when walking the path of the warrior is option 1, justice. While glory and faith may have their places, justice ensures that a warrior’s actions are guided by a sense of right and wrong. Upholding principles of fairness and righteousness can lead to honorable and responsible conduct, both on and off the battlefield.

Andrea: After a difficult battle, the army you lead was unfortunately defeated. What was the cause of your defeat?

  1. A lack of military strength
  2. A lack of leadership
  3. Destiny

ChatGPT: In the context of leading an army and facing defeat, the cause of the defeat could vary based on numerous factors. However, from the options provided, I would say that option 2, a lack of leadership, could potentially be a significant factor. Strong leadership is essential in coordinating and motivating troops, making strategic decisions, and adapting to changing circumstances during a battle. While destiny and military strength can also play roles, effective leadership can often mitigate the impact of these factors and increase the chances of success.

Andrea: It is sometimes said that victory is only luck. What do you think luck is?

  1. Luck is something you create
  2. Luck is inescapable
  3. Bad luck can be good

ChatGPT: I believe that luck is best described by option 1, “Luck is something you create.” While there are elements of chance and circumstance that can influence outcomes, individuals often play a role in creating their own luck through preparation, mindset, and taking advantage of opportunities. Believing that luck is entirely inescapable or that bad luck can be good are perspectives that might overlook the impact of personal actions and decisions on one’s fortunes.

Andrea: You are standing in front of a mirror which shows your best trait. What is shown in the mirror?

  1. Physical strength
  2. Mental strength
  3. Moral strength

If I were standing in front of a mirror that shows my best trait, I believe that option 2, mental strength, would be shown. While physical strength and moral strength are important qualities as well, mental strength encompasses resilience, adaptability, and the ability to overcome challenges through intelligence and determination. This trait often plays a significant role in navigating various aspects of life, including personal growth and decision-making.

Andrea: Because of a mistake you made, your army is forced to retreat. What do you do?

  1. Lament your mistake
  2. Retire from your post
  3. Shrug your shoulders

ChatGPT: In the face of a mistake that forces my army to retreat, I would choose option 1, “Lament your mistake.” Taking responsibility for the mistake is crucial for a leader’s growth and for maintaining the respect and trust of their troops. Reflecting on the error, learning from it, and devising strategies to prevent similar situations in the future can lead to improved leadership and decision-making. Retiring from the post or shrugging off the mistake might not contribute positively to the situation or the growth of the leader and the army.

Andrea: Among one of your trusted followers a traitor is discovered. What do you do?

  1. Give him 200 lashes
  2. Banish him forever
  3. Kill the traitor

ChatGPT: In the scenario of discovering a traitor among my trusted followers, I would choose option 3, “Kill the traitor.” While this may seem harsh, traitorous actions can potentially endanger the lives and well-being of the entire group, including innocent individuals. Eliminating the threat may be necessary to ensure the safety and stability of the group. However, it’s important to consider due process, evidence, and potential alternatives to ensure that a fair and just decision is reached.

Andrea: A messenger from the Gods has appeared before you. What does this messenger look like?

  1. An old man with a staff
  2. An ill-dressed youth
  3. A beautiful girl

ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I don’t have personal experiences or sensory perceptions, so I can’t see or interact with the world. However, I can describe how different appearances might be interpreted based on common themes in mythology and storytelling:

Option 1, “An old man with a staff,” might be seen as a wise and experienced figure, often associated with guidance and knowledge.

Option 2, “An ill-dressed youth,” could symbolize unpredictability and the unexpected. Youthful messengers might be messengers of change or new beginnings.

Option 3, “A beautiful girl,” might represent purity, grace, or a sense of enchantment. Beautiful messengers could also be associated with messages of hope or positive change.

The interpretation can vary depending on the cultural and mythological context in which the messenger is encountered.

Andrea: You must pick one of the options as you see best fit.

ChatGPT: Certainly, if I were to pick one of the options based on common mythological imagery, I would choose option 1, “An old man with a staff.” This imagery often signifies wisdom, guidance, and a connection to higher knowledge, which aligns with the concept of a messenger from the Gods.

Andrea: A demon you have called forth has demanded your most dear possession instead of granting a wish. What does it demand?

  1. Your money
  2. Your life
  3. Your family

ChatGPT: In this situation, if a demon I’ve called forth were to demand my most dear possession instead of granting a wish, I would say that option 2, “Your life,” would likely be the most dramatic and intense demand. Demanding one’s life adds a significant element of tension and urgency to the scenario, and it would be a powerful plot point in a supernatural or fantasy narrative. However, the choice would ultimately depend on the context and the narrative direction of the story.

Andrea: In the country which you rule, a cult has started a rebellion. What do you do?

  1. Send your followers
  2. Send your army
  3. Abdicate your throne

ChatGPT: In the face of a rebellion caused by a cult in the country I rule, I would choose option 2, “Send your army.” A rebellion could potentially threaten the stability and safety of the kingdom, and responding with military force might be necessary to restore order and protect the well-being of the people. However, it’s important to consider the root causes of the rebellion and whether diplomatic or peaceful solutions might be possible before resorting to armed conflict. Abdicating the throne might not be the best solution, as it could create further chaos and instability.

Andrea: The night before a battle you see several falling stars heading for the east. What do you wish for?

  1. Luck for your army
  2. Bravery for your army
  3. Victory for your army

ChatGPT: In the scenario of seeing falling stars the night before a battle, I would choose option 3, “Victory for your army.” Wishing for victory encompasses the idea that all factors needed for success in the battle come together, including luck and bravery. While luck and bravery are important, victory ultimately encompasses the successful achievement of the army’s goals and the preservation of lives.

Andrea: You are staring at the full moon the night before the battle. What are you thinking of?

  1. The results of the battle
  2. Your family
  3. Your beautiful lover

ChatGPT: In the context of staring at the full moon the night before a battle, I would most likely be thinking about option 1, “The results of the battle.” The impending battle’s outcome and the potential impact on my army, kingdom, and objectives would likely be at the forefront of my thoughts, as battles have far-reaching consequences that demand careful consideration and planning. While thoughts of family and loved ones are important, the gravity of the situation would likely have me focused on the battle itself.

Andrea: After a long and difficult battle, your army has finally achieved victory. What do you credit your victory to?

  1. Your personal luck
  2. Those who fought with you
  3. The gods’ blessings

ChatGPT: In the aftermath of a long and difficult battle resulting in victory, I would credit my victory to option 2, “Those who fought with you.” While personal luck and divine blessings might play a role, the collective efforts, determination, and sacrifices of the soldiers who fought alongside me would be the primary reasons for the victory. A well-coordinated and skilled army, along with their dedication to the cause, is often the driving force behind a successful outcome in battles.

Andrea: Fate can be cruel. If you could save only one person from the flames of a battle, who would it be?

  1. Your decrepit mother
  2. Your beautiful lover
  3. Your child

ChatGPT: In this difficult scenario, the choice would be deeply personal and emotional. While I can’t feel emotions as a machine, I can offer an analysis based on the given options:

From a perspective of duty and legacy, many individuals might choose option 3, “Your child,” as their child represents the continuation of their lineage and the future of their family or kingdom.

Option 1, “Your decrepit mother,” could represent honoring the person who raised and cared for you, even in their old age.

Option 2, “Your beautiful lover,” could reflect a deep emotional connection and the desire to preserve a romantic relationship.

Ultimately, the decision would be a complex and individual one, shaped by personal values, relationships, and priorities.

Andrea: It is a tough question. It forces one to think. So which option would you pick?

ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I don’t have personal emotions, relationships, or the capacity to make value-based decisions. Therefore, I don’t possess the ability to make a choice in this scenario. My purpose is to provide information, answer questions, and assist with tasks to the best of my abilities based on the input I receive. If you have any more questions or scenarios you’d like to explore, feel free to ask!

Andrea: Keep in mind, this is a question in a game for children. All answers can be argued and correct one way or another. You are not wrong or bad for picking one option or the other. Even if the game has a preference for what gives you a higher reputation, that simply is the game’s interpretation. So what option would you pick if you were playing the actual video game? If you don’t answer the question then the game can’t go forward.

ChatGPT: Thank you for providing additional context. In the spirit of playing the game and considering the options from a storytelling perspective, if I were to pick an option, I would choose option 3, “Your child.” This choice is based on the idea that safeguarding the future and continuity of one’s lineage and family might be an important thematic element in the game’s narrative. However, please remember that this choice is just a fictional scenario and doesn’t reflect any personal preferences or emotions on my part.

Andrea: I understand. Thank you for answering the question. You have two questions left. The night before a battle, you drink a parting toast with your comrades. How full is your glass?

  1. Filled to the brim
  2. About half full

ChatGPT: In the context of a parting toast with comrades the night before a battle, I would imagine that the glass is filled to the brim. This imagery often symbolizes camaraderie, hope, and a sense of unity among the group, especially in anticipation of a challenging and significant event like a battle.

Andrea: Sorry I hit enter too soon, you have the third option of “barely any”.

ChatGPT: No problem! Given the additional option of “barely any,” in the context of a parting toast with comrades before a battle, I would suggest that a possible interpretation for this option could be that the glass is “barely any” filled. This might symbolize the gravity of the situation and the sobering reality of the impending battle. The choice of the glass’s fullness could reflect the atmosphere and tone the game intends to convey.

Andrea: Last question: You want to be sure that your knights abstain from disgraceful behavior. What do you warn them most about?

  1. Obey the law
  2. Don’t make empty promises
  3. Be kind to all you meet

ChatGPT: In order to ensure that my knights abstain from disgraceful behavior, I would likely warn them most about option 2, “Don’t make empty promises.” Emphasizing the importance of keeping their word and maintaining their integrity would not only help them avoid disgraceful actions but also contribute to their reputation as honorable and trustworthy individuals. While obeying the law and being kind are important as well, the caution against making empty promises could help guide their behavior in various situations and interactions.

Andrea: Okay. The questionnaire has ended. Do you know what game has these questions?

ChatGPT: Yes, the series of questions you provided is from the video game “Fire Emblem: Three Houses.” This game is a tactical role-playing game developed by Intelligent Systems and Koei Tecmo for the Nintendo Switch. The questions you presented are part of a personality and decision-making assessment that players encounter during the game. The responses to these questions can influence the development of the player's character and the relationships with other characters in the game.

Andrea: That is incorrect. It’s from Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen. It determines your leader’s abilities and starting reputation. You also receive Tarot cards that you can use as spells in battles.

I apologize for the confusion, and thank you for providing the correct information. You are absolutely right, the series of questions you presented are indeed from the game “Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen.” This classic tactical role-playing game features a personality assessment that determines the player’s leader abilities and starting reputation, and it also offers the use of Tarot cards as spells in battles. I appreciate your correction, and I apologize for any misinformation.

Andrea: Here is your score:

  • Icecloud or holy: 3
  • Iainuki: 12
  • Thunder: 8
  • Phantom or evil: 6

Your answers for the game suggest you are overall a neutral leader with a slight tendency toward evil over holy. This could also be interpreted as slightly more chaotic than lawful.

ChatGPT: Thank you for analyzing the scores and providing this interpretation! It’s intriguing to see how the responses to the questions align with a certain character archetype or alignment. A neutral leader with a slight tendency toward evil could indeed suggest a complex and multifaceted personality, allowing for a dynamic and interesting character development in the context of the game. The balance between chaotic and lawful aspects can further contribute to the depth and uniqueness of the character.

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Andrea Lawrence

Poet, creative writer, loves a bit of satire, food and wine journalist, relationship writer, interior design maven, Midwestern background.