Author of two poetry manuscripts that haven't found a publisher yet. Also, I'm the author of a science fiction teleplay pilot that I wrote for my graduate thesis. I have not found a home for it either. Clearly, I have a problem.

I am tempted to write a novel and add more writing jewels to my buried treasure chests.

I spent six years as a news producer at TV stations in Missouri. I have a Master's in English Creative Writing. When I taught English writing courses for a college somewhere in the Midwest, I made the classes fun and wild. I taught students how to write essays and short stories. I may have also encouraged them to play mandolins and do group projects with puppets.

In all honesty, I'm probably meant to be a fiction writer. I've been clawing around like a confused hobgoblin with wings that's married to a harpy. I've had a long adventure in poetry, and I'm determined to eventually get those manuscripts published. One almost made it! But that's a long story.

When I was going into labor with my first child, I spent about 15 hours at home before going to the hospital. It took more than 30 hours of contractions for the baby to finally make their grand appearance. While at home I spent time playing the piano, and I remember I kept thinking it was odd how I was struggling to play and then I'd remember... oh yeah, I'm about to have a baby.

Anyway, nice to meet you. My Medium journey is random and aloof. I start submitting stories when I feel the iron is hot. If things feel kind of dead and spider-infested, I step back.

Medium member since August 2022
Connect with Andrea Lawrence
Andrea Lawrence

Andrea Lawrence

Poet, creative writer, loves a bit of satire, food and wine journalist, relationship writer, interior design maven, Midwestern background.